Friday, January 30, 2009

A Trip to KL during CNY holiday...

Last Saturday, we went to Keramat AU2 to meet with my MIL. Actually, we went there to take my MIL back to Simpang Renggam after the 'hantar tanda' thingy. In the end, we end up following them to the 'majlis hantar tanda' which was held on 25th Jan 2009.

After the event, we went to Cheras to see my darling's Mak Itam.

On the 26th, Pak Itam took us to Sungai Gabai Waterfall. Amir really like it. He always ask us to take him to 'mandi laut'. Hehe... I just sit there and watched them 'mandi' waterfall.

A lot of things I would like to do while I'm in KL. But all the plans I had in mind was ruined. Hmmm...

1 comment:

TheOnlyRockHead said...

Ili, we are just ordinary human beings, and as such, we can only plan, but it is only ALLAH SWT who will grant it to pass, or otherwise.

The more important thing is, the real reason of your trip had been fulfilled and completed.

Alhamdulillah. Insyak'allah, we will meet again, at another time, at another location, with another reason.